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Oral Sex: Advantage and Disadvantage For Nigerian Couples

Oral Sex: Advantage and Disadvantage For Nigerian Couples

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Oral sex has many advantages, and a lot of Nigerian couples find it a really fulfilling part of their bedroom repertoire.

Also, it’s nearly impossible to get pregnant this way!

Oral sex forms a part of foreplay and is totally enjoyed by both men and women.

Women take greater pleasure in these oral acts as it provides them greater sexual gratification resulting in multiple orgasms than the actual sex act itself.

Indulging in sex often helps men to relieve stress and they are at lesser risk of developing colon cancer.

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are also less likely to develop when oral sex is involved. Oral sex is great for men.

Women also benefit from oral sex as it reduces the risk of breast cancer according to CNN and Associated Press reports.

When women perform fellatio up to two times a week, they end up swallowing the semen that’s actually good for preventing breast cancer.

Hmmm… who knew?

Oral sex also prevents Pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. Having oral sex during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of infections that can lead to death.

Pre-eclampsia is a health condition that can result in death of the mother. In the worst case scenarios and in coma and seizures in better scenarios if penetrative sex is involved during pregnancy according to Health Mad.

The condition gets aggravated when a man ejaculates inside the vagina of a pregnant woman, as all the semen is taken away by the body and treated as infections.

Stress relief is the major benefit of indulging in oral sex.

It allows partners to become closer and provides emotional satisfaction.


Disadvantages of oral sex

However, in this century, a new and serious concern about oral sex has emerged.

You’re probably aware that there is a very widespread virus called human papilloma virus (HPV).

It causes cancer of the cervix, cancer of the anus and some other benign and malignant growths – including genital warts.

In 2006, scientists began to pay attention to an oncologist (cancer researcher) called Maura Gillson, based at John Hopkins University.

She had been pointing out for some years that the incidence of a type of mouth and throat cancer is rising the increase has been happening in people who don’t have traditional ‘risk factors’, like smoking and drinking

This type of cancer is often associated with the presence of HPV in the throat.

In 2010, the British Medical Journal published a multinational review which showed that there’s no doubt that the incidence of this particular form of cancer (oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) is increasing in various western countries, and this rise appears to be due to HPV – particularly a strain called HPV-16.

The authors stated that the risk of developing oropharyngeal cancer is associated with a history of having six or more sexual partners – and of having four or more oral sex partners.

The obvious implication is that the virus is being spread by sex, and particularly by oral sex.

This is certainly bad news for people who like oral contact. However, at the moment, it is hoped that there’s little danger to a monogamous couple, who only have oral sex with each other.

Promiscuous oral sex is a very bad idea.

Another concern that has recently arisen is the question of catching chlamydia through oral sex.

Experts believe that oral sex without protection is less risky than other kinds of sex, but all agree that it is possible to get HIV from giving oral sex to an HIV-infected partner without protection, especially if the HIV-infected partner ejaculates in the mouth.

Certain factors, such as the presence of any cuts or sores in the mouth, are thought to increase the riskiness of oral sex.

Giving oral sex (blow job) to a man has been proven to carry some risk of getting an infection. Although most scientists believe the risk is relatively low.

The risk increases if the person giving the blow-job has any cuts or scrapes in his or her mouth, even small ones

Giving oral sex to (going down on) a woman is also a relatively low risk. The possibility of infection is higher if the person performing oral sex has sores or cuts in the mouth.

Oral sex is not quite as safe as it may have seemed a few years ago – except of course if you only do it with one partner.

While some people enjoy performing oral sex, there are many men and women out there who don’t enjoy these acts at all and make all possible efforts not to indulge in them.

There are many reasons why men may not like the idea of going down between the legs of women due to hygienic purposes.

Cunnilingus involves the use of the mouth and tongue to suckle and stroke the sensual zones of the vagina to provide extreme pleasure to women.

Cunnilingus is practiced by men and women. It’s a smelly and hairy vagina that puts people off from this oral sexual act.

Menstruation can also put men off.

To make it better, it’s advisable for women to keep the pubic areas free of smell and hair by getting a thorough wash and complete removal of hair before indulging in the act itself.

Take a warm bath with sweet smelling salts and soaps.

Use Eve Intimate Secrets Magic Stick it improves the taste of vagina secretions and keeps the vagina odourless, so your partner will look forward to going down on you.  Waxing and shaving are means to remove unwanted hair in these areas. Avoid oral sex during menstruation.

Trust me, it’s not only men that don’t like to go down. on a woman, Women too, at times, hate performing oral  sex in some cases.

Women are not the only ones who can have smelly private parts; men too are equally prone to it. The penis can turn smelly and sweaty and women can be put off due to this and will not be willing to perform fellatio. So, keep your private organs absolutely clean.



Discussing this decision with a doctor, sex therapist, older sibling, or other trusted adult may help you in this decision.

Before you have oral sex, talk to your partner about sexual history, history of STIs, and protection.

Also, Communication is essential.

Do not have oral sex if either you or your partner is on treatment for any infection.

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Sex Therapist

Olatoun Ayoola is a Relationship and Marriage Counselor, a Sex Therapist, Family life Coach and Blogger that specializes in providing hope, support and guidance for individuals and couples, both in and out of marriages, relationships and their sex life, and also to help them live a fulfilling and enriching life.

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